Sunday, August 19, 2012

Croatia - what a treasure - Pt 7

Ohh Croatia...

Endless Sun, crystal clear water, un like any traditions of experienced before... Lots and lots of young travellers.. parties, beaches, islands, boats...

Ahhh Croatia... Learnt to love again... FREE WIFI EVERYWHERE !  beautiful old towns with so much history, BEST SUNSETS IN EUROPE !

First Stop - Zadar
This a beautifuly designed sun dial type thing that reflects the sun set.. I didnt quite catch it in its moment...  its amazing... simply incredible.

Apparently Alfred Hitcock referred to Zadar having the best sunset in the world... WOW.

SPLIT... you got me...
what a buzzing little town.

and then DUBROVNIK... what a treat... shame it's a bit ritzy and full of old american toruist from their big fancy cruise ships... not really a backpacker town but definately a must to visit.

After Dubrovnik I went abck up to Split and stayed with a guy I met, he made me traditional bosnian coffee, i played with his kitty kat and he cooked me dinner... oh and we went to a punk festival on the back of his vespa and slept on the rocks... it was pretty special and amazing, these experiences only happen if you let them. ;)


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